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Cantaloupe For Immunity

Cantaloupe is a delicious fruit that has a wide variety of associated health benefits, including improved immune system strength, healthy skin and eyes, reduced chances of cancer, healthy lungs, and decreased stress levels, as well as the prevention of arthritis and boosted management of diabetes. These attributes are mainly due to the high levels of vitamins and minerals that naturally occur in this popular melon.

Cantaloupes are one of the most popular forms of melon in the USA and are grown widely in California as well as throughout Europe, although the original source of cantaloupe were actually in Africa, Iran, and India. It is less commonly grown and consumed in those areas in modern times. The North American variety is actually closely related to muskmelon, but it has adopted the European name of cantaloupe for all intents and purposes. It is a member of the Cucurbitacaea family and can be grown anywhere from 500g to 5kg (1-10 pounds).

Cantaloupe is a popular breakfast food, and is also good as an appetizer or element in fruit salads. Its mild, enjoyable taste increases as the fruit ripens, so many people wait until the flesh is soft and juicy before eating cantaloupes. The nutritive benefits of cantaloupe are derived from the high levels of vitamin-C, vitamin-A, vitamin-B6, potassium, Niacin, dietary fiber, and folic acid.

Cantaloupes not only have the beta-carotene and phytochemicals working in its favor against free radicals, but also a healthy dose of vitamin-C. Vitamin C similarly scavenges disease-causing free radicals and act as an important line of defense for a healthy immune system. Also, vitamin-C stimulates the production of white blood cells, which seek out and destroy dangerous bacteria, viruses, and other toxic substances of foreign bodies that may have found their way into our bloodstream. Cantaloupes are extremely powerful boosters for the immune system for these reasons and more.

Cantaloupe is rich in carotenes and antioxidants that boost the immune system and prevent infections. Cantaloupes contain a good dose of vitamin-C which scavenges disease-causing free radicals and act as an important line of defense for a healthy immune system. It also stimulates the production of white blood cells, which destroy viruses and bacteria.